What to Do if You’re Facing Obstruction of Justice Charges

Police departments and prosecutors use obstruction of justice charges to try to punish defendants and encourage witnesses to cooperate. If you're facing such allegations, you might wonder what your options are. You should do these four things to try to present a defense. Confirm the Charges Are Real There's a huge gap between a cop saying your actions are obstructive and a prosecutor filing formal charges. Police do use the threat of charging people, especially witnesses, to get them to cooperate with investigations. Read More 

All You Need To Know About Financial Litigation

What is Financial Litigation? Financial litigation is a practice where a third party will loan the funds to an individual or company who is looking to take another individual or company to court. In return, the lender asks for a percentage of any money recovered in the lawsuit.  Who is Involved? There are generally three parties involved in a financial litigation case. Those involved include: Plaintiffs: The plaintiffs are the individuals or companies involved in a lawsuit who are looking for funding help. Read More 

Things To Know About Filing A Disciplinary Complaint Against A Lawyer

Lawyers must uphold the law and remain ethical when working with clients. This doesn't always happen though, but there is recourse for clients thanks to disciplinary complaint forms. If you're thinking about filling some out because you think you weren't treated correctly by an attorney, remember these things. Use an Attorney Assistance Program  Before you go forward with filling out disciplinary complaint forms against a lawyer, it helps to find out for sure if you need to pursue these actions or if there is a better response for your situation. Read More 

3 Important Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

When imagining the duties of a personal injury attorney, many people think of a lawyer representing a plaintiff in a stereotypical slip-and-fall case. The reality is that the professional scope of a personal injury attorney is much broader. They will often fight for the rights and restitution of many kinds of people. Some examples include those who are hurting from a physical injury as the result of an individual's personal negligence; those who are dealing with negative side effects as the result of a company's defective product; or those who are suffering emotional trauma after medical malpractice. Read More 

How To Tell If A Nursing Home Patient Is Suffering From Malnutrition

When a patient does not receive enough nutrients to remain healthy, they are suffering from malnutrition. In an effort to save money and due to improper training, some nursing home staff members fail to properly feed their guests and this can lead to health problems down the road as well as severe pain and suffering. If your loved one is suffering from malnutrition at a nursing home facility, a nursing home abuse lawyer can help. Read More