Car Accidents When You Are Expecting A Baby
Most pregnant women make it a point to remain as healthy as possible when expecting a baby. Unfortunately, driving or riding in a vehicle puts anyone at risk for being in an accident. If the other driver caused the accident, you may be eligible for compensation. If you are pregnant, the situation can get more complicated. Read on and find out more about the consequences of a wreck on an unborn child and how to take action to recover the damages.
Dangerous Collisions and Pregnancy
Though the uterus holds the unborn child in a soft cushion of fluid, hard jolts like those that can occur during an accident could create some dangerous conditions with the mother and put both mother and child at risk. Just a few of the more serious medical issues that might occur include:
- Miscarriage, which is when labor results in the death of a child prior to 20 weeks.
- Preterm labor, which is when the mother goes into labor before 37 weeks.
- Placental separation, when the placenta separates from the uterine walls.
- Stillbirth
and more.
Taking Action
Your actions after a car accident matter a great deal and never more than when dealing with a pregnancy. No amount of money can take the place of you and your baby's health but you may need to take advantage of the compensation to cover unexpected medical expenses and time lost from work. Take the following steps to assure both the optimum health for you and your baby and to preserve your personal injury compensation potential.
- You must seek medical treatment even if you don't seem to be injured. Either go to the emergency room or phone your obstetrician right away and make sure that your baby is safe and that you are okay. In the days following the accident, pay attention to unusual symptoms and pain, and get help immediately.
- Make sure law enforcement is called to the scene.
- Phone your auto insurance company and report the accident.
- Speak to a personal injury lawyer. If you or your child suffered from any injury, whether serious or minor. You may be entitled to compensation for several areas including medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more. If your baby is injured, you can take action on their behalf.
Don't put off taking action for the sake of your baby and to make sure that you are compensated for what the careless driver put you through.
For more tips, reach out to a local car accident lawyer.