Getting The Help Of A Lawyer For Your Social Security Disability Case

The federal government pays out lots of money in Social Security Disability to help people who have been impaired or disabled. Several people recently received these benefits, to the tune of more than $140 billion in a single year. Social Security Disability benefits are important because they allow people to take care of their needs even though they are not able to work and earn a paycheck. But if there ever arises a circumstance that denies you these benefits when you are entitled to them, there are Social Security Disability attorneys that can represent your interests. In this article, you will learn more about filing for Social Security and protecting your benefits with the help of a lawyer.

When should you start thinking about getting a lawyer?

You first have to make sure that your circumstances indicate that you're entitled to get Social Security Disability in the first place. You must have a qualifying medical condition in order to receive Social Security benefits. The condition should be considered severe, such as an injury or impairment of your immune system, heart, musculoskeletal system, or a serious skin or cognitive disorders. People that get diagnosed with cancer or autoimmune diseases might also receive Social Security Disability benefits.

Conditions aside, you have to have worked a job that also qualifies you to receive these benefits prior to suffering from the condition. From here, the Social Security Administration can tally up the number of credits that you are eligible for so that you can put in an application.

You should begin thinking about getting a lawyer before doing your application to make sure that there are no mistakes that can create a delay. They will substantiate your claim and also help you get the payment amount that you are seeking. If your application gets rejected, hiring a lawyer becomes even more necessary. They will help you with your case by giving you updates on your application and getting you booked for an appeals hearing.

How can you hire a Social Security Disability attorney?

Once you know that you will need a lawyer for your case, seek out lawyers that are tested. Many Social Security Disability attorneys have a cap on how much they can charge you. Generally, their fee is 25% of whatever payment you are owed, or $6,000. This can keep your attorney fees affordable while you fight for the benefits that you deserve.

Contact a Social Security Disability attorney for more information. 
