When Estate Trustees Engage Unethically, Beneficiaries Do Have Options

A trustee earns its name for one very important reason — they are a trusted individual. For this reason, people often exercise a great deal of due diligence when assigning a trustee to their estates. However, not every trustee lives up to their name. Trustees sometimes ignore the guidelines of the estate or steal assets. For estate beneficiaries on the receiving end of this misconduct, there are options.  Estate Accounting Read More 

What Are Some Of The Things That Can Cause You To Lose Your Nursing License?

You might have worked hard to get through school and earn your nursing license. Now, though, you might have been notified that you are at risk of losing your nursing license. This might not have been something that you ever thought would happen, and you might be curious about some of the different reasons why people often lose their nursing licenses. These are some of the things that can put you at risk of losing your nursing license temporarily or permanently. Read More 

How to Tell If You Have a Personal Injury Case

It's normal to have doubts about whether you might have a case under personal injury law. There are several key factors that a personal injury lawyer will examine to decide whether a client has ground for a claim. Here are three that everyone pursuing a case or thinking about doing so should know. Is There an Identifiable Defendant? One of the first questions an attorney will have to address is who you ought to file a claim against. Read More 

Injured Due to Defamation of Character

Getting called names can be hurtful, even if the person calling them isn't someone that you love. Name-calling can actually cause someone to develop low self-esteem to the extent of not being able to get through life in a happy manner. Unfortunately, there isn't usually much you can do legally to get justice against someone that calls you bad names, depending on the situation. On the other hand, if someone has been calling you names and spreading rumors that ruined your reputation, you might be able to take legal action. Read More 

What Millennials Need To Know About Divorce

Unlike those who have been married for many years, millennials who divorce have not likely had a long marriage. For this reason, there can be some complications with a divorce that does not always impact those with longer marriages. The following are some things you should know. Increased Debt One issue with millennials and divorce is the rate of debt they have as opposed to couples who have been married longer. Read More